WRRB Guiding Documents

Items on this page are documents that the WRRB has created itself, and are intended to guide its operations.

Co-management Boards and the federal and territorial governments in the Mackenzie Valley typically host an annual workshop on the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA) for community representatives, Indigenous governments, and organizations as a key engagement activity to support an effective co-management system.

Representatives of the Ɂehdzo Got’ı̨nę Gots’ę́ Nákedı/Sahtú Renewable Resources Board (SRRB) and the WRRB signed a Memorandum of Understanding in October 2015 to coordinate their efforts in the effective management of the Bluenose-East Caribou herd.

This document guides communications activities focused on creating awareness of the WRRB's role as a public board in the co-management of wildlife, plants, forests and protected areas in Wek’èezhìı.

This document outlines Rules for the conduct of proceedings before the Board. A proceeding means a public meeting, consultation, or a written or public hearing in which the Board makes a determination on matters over which it has authority.  The Rules of Procedure help to ensure that the proceedings meet the requirements of fairness and are efficient and focused.